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Articles and Papers
- 3 ways Texas’ RCLA can protect contractors during remodeling boom
- Avoiding Attorney Client Disputes In Texas
- Can You Bring A Malpractice Claim Against A Lawyer Who Was Not Your Lawyer
- Client Claims Negligence Seeks Millions In Texas Legal Malpractice Suit
- Contract Provisions Can Limit Liability For Damages If Properly Drafted
- In A Texas Construction Claim Timing Is Everything
- Information About Contingency Fees In Texas
- Insurance And Construction Defects Lamar Homes Impact On Liability
- Is The Texas Residential Construction Liability Act A Valid Defense For Subcontractors
- Texas Consumer Protection Laws Apply To Legal Services
- Texas Legal Malpractice Parameters Of The Texas Anti Fracturing Rule
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En Espanol
- ¿Cómo puede un cliente interponer una demanda en contra de un abogado por negligencia legal?
- ¿Cuáles son las demandas mas comunes de negligencia legal?
- ¿Cuáles son los obstáculos mas comunes en un caso de negligencia legal?
- ¿El cliente es dueño de su archivo que esta en posesión del abogado?
- ¿Hay un plazo para presentar una demanda por negligencia legal?
- ¿Puede el cliente disputar los honorarios del abogado?
- ¿Qué es negligencia legal?
- ¿Qué normas rigen la conducta ética de un abogado?
- Preguntas frecuentes de Negligencia Legal
- Resumen de Negligencia Legal
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Practice Areas
- Commercial Debt Collections
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Legal Malpractice
- Can the client dispute the lawyer's fee?
- Does the client own the file at the lawyer's office?
- How Can A Client Pursue A Claim Against A Lawyer For Malpractice
- Is There A Deadline To File A Legal Malpractice Lawsuit
- Legal Malpractice FAQs
- What Are The Typical Hurdles In A Legal Malpractice Case
- What Are The Typical Malpractice Claims
- What Ethical Duties Does The Lawyer Owe To The Client
- What Is Legal Malpractice
- Mediation Arbitration
- Nonsubscriber Liability
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- Trucking And Auto Liability
- Representative Clients